Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are custom-made prosthetic devices designed to encase and protect damaged, weakened, or misshapen teeth. Crafted from durable materials such as porcelain, ceramic, or metal alloys, dental crowns restore compromised teeth' strength, function, and aesthetics while providing long-lasting protection against further damage or decay. By covering the entire visible portion of the tooth above the gum line, crowns effectively reinforce and stabilize weakened teeth, restore proper bite alignment, and enhance the smile's overall appearance. With their versatility and durability, dental crowns offer a reliable solution for restoring and preserving oral health, ultimately allowing patients to enjoy improved dental function, enhanced aesthetics, and greater confidence in their smiles. 

The Procedure for Dental Crowns 

  • The dental crown procedure typically begins with a comprehensive examination and consultation with the dentist in Pittsburg, KS, to assess the tooth's condition and discuss treatment options. 
  • The tooth receiving the crown is prepared by removing a thin enamel layer to create space for the crown. Impressions or digital scans of the prepared tooth and surrounding teeth are then taken to fabricate the custom crown. 
  • While the permanent crown is fabricated in a dental laboratory, a temporary crown may be placed to protect the prepared tooth and maintain proper function and aesthetics. 
  • The dental laboratory fabricates the permanent crown based on the impressions or digital scans, ensuring precise fit, function, and aesthetics. 
  • Once the permanent crown is ready, it is carefully placed and bonded to the prepared tooth using dental cement. The dentist at Smile Solutions, makes any necessary adjustments to ensure proper fit, bite alignment, and aesthetics. 
  • The crown is polished to achieve a smooth surface and natural shine, blending seamlessly with the surrounding teeth and enhancing the overall aesthetics of the smile. 

Types of Dental Crowns 

Porcelain Crowns 

Porcelain crowns, also known as ceramic crowns, are prized for their natural appearance and ability to closely mimic the clarity and color of natural teeth. These crowns are custom-made to match the surrounding teeth' size, shape, and shade, resulting in a seamless and aesthetic restoration. 


  • Porcelain crowns blend seamlessly with natural teeth, providing a lifelike appearance. 
  • Porcelain is biocompatible and well-tolerated by the body, making it suitable for individuals with metal allergies. 
  • Porcelain crowns are highly resistant to staining, maintaining their aesthetics over time. 

Metal Crowns 

Metal crowns, typically made from gold alloy, offer exceptional strength and durability, making them ideal for restoring teeth subjected to heavy chewing forces. While metal crowns may not match the natural color of teeth, they provide excellent longevity and require minimal removal of tooth structure. 


  • Metal crowns withstand heavy biting forces and are highly resistant to wear and fracture. 
  • Metal crowns have a long lifespan and can last many years with proper care and maintenance. 
  • Metal crowns require less tooth structure removal compared to other types of crowns. 

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns

PFM crowns combine the strength of metal with the aesthetic appeal of porcelain. These crowns feature a metal substructure covered with a layer of porcelain, offering durability, natural appearance, and versatility for front and back teeth restorations. 


  • PFM crowns provide the strength and durability of metal along with the natural appearance of porcelain. 
  • PFM crowns can be used for front and back teeth restorations, offering versatility in treatment options. 
  • The porcelain layer of PFM crowns can be color-matched to the surrounding teeth for a seamless blend. 

All-Ceramic Crowns 

All ceramic crowns are crafted entirely from ceramic materials, providing excellent aesthetics and biocompatibility. These crowns are an ideal choice for individuals with metal allergies or those seeking a metal-free restoration. 


  • All ceramic crowns offer superior aesthetics, closely resembling the natural appearance of teeth. 
  • Ceramic materials are biocompatible and well-tolerated by the body, reducing the risk of allergic reactions. 
  • All ceramic crowns can be used for various restorative and cosmetic purposes, providing versatile treatment options. 

The Versatile Uses of Dental Crowns 

Restoring Severely Damaged Teeth 

One of the primary uses of dental crowns in Pittsburg, KS, is to restore teeth severely damaged by decay, trauma, or extensive wear. When a tooth is compromised beyond what a filling can repair, a crown provides a durable and long-lasting solution to rebuild and strengthen the tooth structure. Encasing the entire visible portion of the tooth above the gum line, crowns restore proper function and aesthetics while protecting against further damage or decay. Contact us today! 

Protecting Weak or Fractured Teeth 

Teeth weakened or fractured due to factors such as large fillings, root canal therapy, or grinding habits can benefit from the protection and reinforcement dental crowns provide. Crowns provide a protective barrier against chewing forces, preventing fractures and preserving the integrity of the underlying tooth structure. Distributing forces evenly across the tooth, crowns help reduce the risk of further damage and prolong the tooth's lifespan. 

Supporting Dental Bridges 

Dental crowns serve as anchor points for dental bridges, prosthetic devices replacing one or more missing teeth. Crowns are placed on the natural teeth adjacent to the space, serving as abutments to support the suspended artificial teeth (pontics) between them. By securing the bridge in place, crowns restore oral function, prevent shifting of adjacent teeth, and fill in the gaps left by missing teeth, restoring a complete and functional smile. 

Covering Dental Implants 

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed in the jawbone to replace missing teeth. Once the implant has integrated with the bone, a dental crown is attached to the implant via an abutment, effectively replacing the visible portion of the missing tooth. Implant-supported crowns provide a stable and natural-looking solution for single-tooth replacement, restoring the aesthetics, function, and confidence of individuals with missing teeth. 

Improving Aesthetics 

In addition to their restorative functions, dental crowns are used to improve the aesthetics of smiles by concealing imperfections such as discoloration, chips, cracks, or misshapen teeth. Porcelain crowns, in particular, closely mimic the color, translucency, and texture of natural teeth, providing a seamless and natural-looking restoration. By enhancing the appearance of teeth, crowns help patients achieve brighter, more confident smiles. 

Crowns play a crucial role in achieving optimal oral health, function, and aesthetics for patients of all ages by preserving, protecting, and enhancing the health and appearance of teeth. If you believe you may benefit from dental crowns, Visit Smile Solutions at 611 North Broadway Suite B, Pittsburg, KS 66762, or call (620) 231-4140 to explore your treatment options and take the first step toward a healthier, more radiant smile. 

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Pittsburg, KS

611 North Broadway Suite B, Pittsburg, KS 66762


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(620) 231-4140